
Real Transformations Through the RASHA Experience...
“My sessions with RASHA have helped me find clarity around changes and choices I wanted to make in my life. Its has even provided insight into choices I hadn’t considered. Since my last session, it feels like my mind and body are more in sync and I feel more energised to do more / act on the thoughts, ideas and people that cross my mind. Doing so leaves me feeling a bit more fullfilled and calm about everything else. It almost feels like I can start sorting out my life again after things felt so restricted during the height of the covid pandemic. RASHA has been a surprising tool to re-set myself – hinengaro (mind), tinana (body) and wairua (spirit).”
“My life has changed. I am no longer a daily substance abuser after 3 sessions in the chair. The thought to do so has simply left my thought process. Whilst my trauma is still there and that will always be a part of who I am, I have learnt to accept it and I'm no longer trying to escape every day from "me." People love to spend time with me, so I'm learning to do so to, sober me, the true me.”
“I feel like it’s probably the quickest way I can get relaxed. The RASHA got me there really fast because I would normally get the same results after one hour of meditation, relaxation and yoga.”
“I loved my experience. I feel the effects in every area of my life. In terms of my ability to feel the navigation of life with a lot more ease moment to moment. I consistently sleep better, am more focused, have more sustained energy. It isn’t easy to articulate because it is subtle. My closest friends tell me they can see and feel a difference.”
I recently had the absolute pleasure of trying out ‘The Rasha’ that Steve and Kathy had purchased and kindly invited me to try. I had an hour of absolute relaxation, and after I had finished, several aches and pains had gone! The total experience is very pleasant, and during the hour, I felt totally relaxed and even fell into a deep sleep. During the upgrade, I felt like I was in a tectonic state of calmness, and that night had the best sleep in a long while. This technology is off the dial cool, and I will most definitely be back to further my journey in revitalizing my health.
“Two remote upgrades have provided me with Life changing experiences and remembrance that I cannot begin to describe or put into words. I have never felt more calm and coherent in my thoughts and actions. My journeys have helped me clear out the noise in my head, and peel back the layers to help release some deeply ingrained negative beliefs. I really look forward to more journeys to help me to remember, heal and gain more clarity so that I can live my life at my fullest potential.
Stop thinking about it and book in your upgrade(s) now, you will not regret it!”
“During both sessions, I was given the gift of Grace, the foresight, the clarity and the template of my spiritual evolution as a soul. I felt that one session of Rasha gave me the equivalence of perhaps 10 hours of intense meditation. I set the intention of surrendering to my higher self and allow it to guide my journey. During the session, I had received massive downloads of messages from higher levels of consciousness.”
“Over halfway through my series of twelve RASHA upgrades and can say it’s a unique experience, with a deep state entered into, of not just relaxation, but something else that is hard to describe. I’ve been tracking my sleep (heart rate and heart rate variability) for over two years, and I have noticed improvements in both of these over the last month. A truly unique experience. Highly recommended for anyone wanting to further their health and consciousness”
“After about 10 upgrades I embodied deep joy for the first time in my life. Until this moment, I hadn't realised that a shadow had kept me caged, deep within an underlying sadness. I attribute the new version of me to the RASHA. Thank you!”
“I have experienced both in person and remote sessions with the RASHA. There is no difference in the outcomes. My upgrades include self-motivation and laser focus clarity around the tasks and goals set when writing and setting my intentions. Everyday struggles are no longer because I am more empowered.
I feel at peace, relaxed, invigorated, and ready to take on the world!
I always look forward to my monthly upgrade!”
“After only 2 upgrades I have felt big shifts in my emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. These upgrades have brought in much needed healing, clarity of mind and spirit and the destruction of some pretty intricate, well-constructed walls! My biggest breakthrough from these upgrades is finally being brave and coming back to Me.
I feel at peace, relaxed, invigorated, and ready to take on the world!
I always look forward to my monthly upgrade!”
“I found the RASHA experience to be transportive and transformative. I could feel myself being activated during a session, and also the accumulative effect of having a few. The effect is subtle and potent and I could feel how my energy interacted on an everyday level was different. My thoughts seemed calmer in general and I sensed myself vibrating at a slightly different level.
During these times I felt it to be a wonderful tool through the field of so many different energies. Every session was different, and I could never guess how it would go, however the more my mind relaxed the more I could feel myself be taken by the experience. Sometimes I would fall asleep, but still come out feeling the subtle shifts. Its out there, and its awesome. Highly recommend.”
“Each RASHA session is like an intimate conversation with my infinite potential self.”